Why should I use Easy Web Guys?

Your options are nearly limitless when it comes to website design, and internet marketing solutions.  Our secret sauce is that we can do the heavy lifting for you.  You just supply basic information about your company and we translate that into a beautiful and easy-to-use product.

Here is a short tutorial to help give you a basic idea of why you could use Easy Web Guys to help you reach your goals faster.  If you have any questions we are happy to walk you through finding the best solution for your need. 

Call or Text now at (870)907-9653

What is a website?

A website is your presence on the internet.  Today people are busier than ever and don’t accept spending much time on research.  We design websites to make the consumer experience more emotionally charged.  This builds trust by answering the question of what you can do for them, instead of the classic how it’s done, model.  Most people are buying the solution to cure their pain not how it’s being done.  This inspires trust and reduces friction in making a buying decision.

Where do I store the website?

Website Hosting is where your website is kept so your customers can access your site.  We offer extremely fast access so your customers don’t have to wait. The server is the computer that we store (host) your site on. Depending on your needs we offer a plan that best meets them.

What is e-commerce? and shopping cart?

E-commerce or electronic commerce comes in many flavors. A business website is technically e-commerce. But, in this context, it generally refers to a way for the client to research and purchase a product or service directly from the website. A shopping cart is where the customer places their purchases until they check out just like at a brick-and-mortar store. There are companies that specialize in selling only Shopping systems that are often directly linked to a marketplace. The disadvantage to these companies is if you decide to move your site, you can lose search engine recognition as well as it may be extremely costly to move the site. We can build your site from scratch in HTML. However, we recommend Word Press and Woo Commerce. They are both less expensive to create and should you need to move the site, they are much more portable.

What is Word Press, and why should I use it?

WordPress is an easy-to-use content management system (CMS) that standardizes website creation. What makes it so beautiful is that a community of programmers and developers offer free Templates, and programs called plugins that allow users to create website abilities with little or no technical skills. If you choose to move your WordPress site is portable and can be duplicated or moved much less expensive than custom-coded systems.

Why not build and maintain my own server?

Internet technology is dynamic and changes quickly. The cost of building and managing a website is both expensive and complex. Therefore, hosting companies solve these issues for you at a fraction of the cost. WordPress servers require more power so the maintenance is a little more intense. The compromise for a lower price means less speed, reliability, and overall performance of your site. Years of experience allow us to make more informed decisions about the services we offer.

What is a domain?

The domain is extremely important.  It’s a name that only one person can own.  When a user puts the domain into a browsing window it tells the computer where to go to find your website.  The domain can be personalized by using extensions such as .com, .net, and .org.  

Please keep in mind you can have the same name with several extensions.  Mywebsite.com is not the same as Mywebsite.org so if you want exclusivity you must buy them both or any other extension that may apply to your business.

How can marketing make my business more money?

The old saying it takes money to make money has never been more true.  However, with the internet, it’s never been easier.  In the old days, one would throw money at advertising and see what sticks.  In the modern form of marketing, we can help you track the results of every individual ad, down to the web click and phone call.  So call us now to find out how we can turn your ad dollars into an asset instead of a liability.

The Next Step

Call or Text now (870)907-9653 were here to help.